Today, we learn about definition on given words. The direction are, watch for examples, definitions and descriptive words to help you determine the meaning of underlined words. Below are the question that we answered.
1. The governor visited the zoo and found to his surprise that he had a friend there in one on the zoo's pet snakes. The reptile wrapped itself chummily around the governor's shoulders.
Clue- zoo's pet snakes
Definition- a cold blooded animal called snake.
2. The Indians taught the Europeans to preserve meat by making pemmican cakes prepared from dried lean mean mixed with fat, a skill saved many a trapper's life.
Clue - dried lean mixed with fat
Definition - used as a nutritious food / to preserve food to keep it longer
3. Company representatives are usually reimbursed for their expenses when they make business trip that is, they are repaid money they have spent for the company.
Clue - they are repaid money they have spent
Definition - Repay a sum of money that has been spent
4. Meteorites are not easy to find, and those shooting stars that do survive the long journey to earth are usually pitted and oddly shaped.
Clue - shooting stars
Definition - a natural object originating in outer space that survives impact with the Earth's surface.
5. Making copra comes from the Malay Peninsula. The dried coconut meat is used for making coconut oil.
Clue - dried coconut meat
Definition - the dried meat, or kernel, of the coconut
6. You should see how repugnant the bitter medicine was by the way she shuddered and made a face as she swallowed it.
Clue - bitter medicine, face
Definition - Extremely distasteful
7. The initial training period, the first six weeks is the hardest.
Clue - first six weeks
Definition - first period
8. Many octogenarians, that is people in their eighties are still spry and healthy.
Clue - people in their eighties
Definition - Old people, people between the age of 80-89
9. Many things we use as condiments in our food such as pepper, curry powder and paprika cannot be grown in this country.
Clue - pepper, curry powder and paprika
Definition - sauce or seasoning added to food to impart a particular flavor
10. I could tell that he considered himself a gourmet not only by the way he enjoyed his food, but in the way he studied the menu before he ordered.
Clue- he enjoyed his food
Definition - a person who loves food and describe food of refined taste and passion
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