- combustion of fuels by automobiles and jet planes
- burning of fossils fuels in big cities (factories and offices)
- military activities (nuclear weapons)
- using mass transit when possibly
- walking & cycling (carpool)
- replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
- plant trees and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contains CFS
- Chemical waste as industrial by products
- logging,slash and burn practice
- trash/garbage discarded by people
- food processing waste (oxygen demanding substance,fats and grease)
- dispose off other forms of waste by putting them in a trash bin rather than flushing them down the drain
- use native plants instead of hybrid ones as those require a lot of pesticides
- avoid damping any type of waste in storm drain.
- Inc crease in agricultural land
- Agricultural activities pesticides / domestic waste.
- Industrial activities
- Exterminates wild life
- acid rains kills trees and other plants
- vegetation that provides food & shelter is destroyed.
- Proper garbage disposal
- reduce use of herbicides and pesticides
- encourage organic farming
The point is we as an individual have to be aware of all this and start making changes and remind people around is about this problem. For example, smoking may seem harmless, but, if that happens from a million person in the future years, the air will be polluted seriously. and a second example, littering a small candy wrap may seems innocent, but if a million person who does that , it will polluted the earth. So lets together make changes for a better future.