Saturday, April 23, 2011

Report Summary : Sunflower planting


The sunflower is native to Central America. The evidence thus far is that it was first domesticated in Mesoamerica, present day Mexico, by at least 2600 BC. It may have been domesticated a second time in the middle Mississippi Valley, or been introduced there from Mexico at an early date, as maize was. The earliest known examples of a fully domesticated sunflower north of Mexico have been found in Tennessee and date to around 2300 BC. Many indigenous American peoples used the sunflower as the symbol of their solar deity, including the Aztecs and the Otomi of Mexico and the Incas inSouth America. Francisco Pizarro was the first European to encounter the sunflower in Tahuantinsuyo, Peru. Gold images of the flower, as well as seeds, were taken back to Spain early in the 16th century. Some researchers argue that the Spaniards tried to suppress cultivation of the sunflower because of its association with solar religion and warfare.
 During the 18th century, the use of sunflower oil became very popular in Europe, particularly with members of the Russian Orthodox Church because sunflower oil was one of the few oils that was not prohibited during Lent, according to some fasting traditions.
Scientific Name
Sunflower (Helianthus annuus) is an annual plant native to the Americas that possess a large inflorescence (flowering head). The sunflower got its name from its huge fiery blooms, whose shape and image is often used to depict the sun. The sunflower has a rough, hairy stem, broad, coarsely toothed, rough leaves and circular heads of flowers. The heads consist of 1,000-2,000 individual flowers joined together by a receptacle base.
Sunflower seeds were taken to Europe in the 16th century where, along with sunflower oil, they became a wide-spread cooking ingredient. Sunflower leaves can be used as a cattle food, while the stems contain a fibre which may be used in paper production.
·        The Maximillian sunflower (Helianthus maximillianii) is one of 38 species of perennial sunflower native to North America. The Land Institute and other breeding programs are currently exploring the potential for these as a perennial seed crop.
·        The Sunchoke (Jerusalem artichoke or Helianthus tuberosus) is related to the sunflower, another example of perennial sunflower.
·        The Mexican sunflower is Tithonia rotundifolia. It is only very distantly related to North American sunflowers.
·        False sunflower refers to plants of the genus Heliopsis.
Plant description
With sunflower, what is usually called the flower is actually a flower head (also known as a composite flower) of numerous florets, (small flowers) crowded together. The outer petal-bearing florets are the sterile ray floretsand can be yellow, red, orange, or other colors. The florets inside the circular head are called disc florets, which mature into seeds.
The florets within the sunflower's cluster are arranged in a spiral pattern. Typically each floret is oriented toward the next by approximately the golden angle, 137.5°, producing a pattern of interconnecting spiralswhere the number of left spirals and the number of right spirals are successive Fibonacci numbers. Typically, there are 34 spirals in one direction and 55 in the other; on a very large sunflower there could be 89 in one direction and 144 in the other. This pattern produces the most efficient packing of seeds within the flower head
Sunflowers most commonly grow to heights between 1.5 and 3.5 m (5–12 ft). Scientific literature, reports that a 12 m (40 ft), traditional, single-head, sunflower plant was grown in Padua in 1567. The same seed lot grew almost 8 m (26 ft) at other times and places, including Madrid. During the 20th century, heights of over 8 m have been achieved in both Netherlands and Ontario, Canada.

Special Feature
The special features of a sunflower is that we make oil from it

External features of a sunflower

pointy petals

yellow petal

big, brown (pollens) circle in middle with the petals round it

face the Sun

Monday, April 11, 2011

Day 11 : Plant a seed

Day 11!!! Let's see!

Report : Still no progress on the small two pots. But for the other three pots, the sprout keep s on growing! really happy about it! For the other two pots, we will try to figure out something, maybe the baby sprout can't push the hard soil on top it.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Day 7 : Plant a seed

Day 7! Its been 1 week now! Here some pictures!

Report for the day! Seems there is still no progress on the two pots. But there is some progress on the other three pots!

Monday, April 4, 2011

Day 5 : Plant a seed

After a few days from weekends holidays, we come back to see the progress of our plant. Yeah! It have shows some sprout! But............ Guess who come visit our plants...... SNAILS!!!

"Help me!" said baby sunflower

Not only one snail, but we found another 2 more near some other pots of flowers!
So we decide to just take it far away! We are afraid to squish it! So the progress of our plant are quite fascinating! Really can't wait to see them grow!

Friday, April 1, 2011

Plant a seeds!

Today we are given seeds chosen by us to be plant. And we choose Sunflower seeds!

Sunflower seeds!!! Did you know it can be eaten! =)

First of all we put in ordinary soil in to the recycled plastic bottle.

Then top it with black soil provided by Pn Hasmawati!

A ready plastic bottle!

Time to put in the seeds! Gently covered it with the black soil!

5 ready plastic bottle pot!

Searching for a suitable place to place our plants...

At last we choose to place it beside the security guard hut, near a small garden in the entrance of our campus. Hope everything's fine!
All we need it a sunlight, water, and surely a little of tender love and care, and we can see a beautiful sunflower blooming there!

By conclusion, we truly having fun doing it, its not that hard to help plant something for the benefits of the environment!
Really can't wait to see them grow!

Friday, March 25, 2011

Correcting sentences

1-Were is the new books.
Where are the new books.

2-I no like the new car.
I don't like the new car.

3-Sara feel sick.
Sara felt sick

4-Monday is the day before Tuesday.
Monday comes before Tuesday.

5-The cake burn yesterday.
The cake burned yesterday.

6-The game are over.
The game were over.

7-The cat food am old.
The cat food is already spoiled.

8-Michael ready four college.
Michael's ready for college.

9-The camera no work.
The camera won't work.

10-Can't no one past this test
No one can pass this test.

11-The train is twenty minutes late.
The train was twenty minutes late.

12-The boat are blew.
The boat is blue.

13-The dancers has green socks.
The dancers wore green socks.

14-When we going outside.
When are we going outside.

15-She boyfriend next door.
Her boyfriend live next door.

16-The race is over now.
The race has ended.

17-Susan has lot of homework
Susan have lots of homework.

18-The fish be colorful
The fish is colorful.

fishbowl animated Pictures, Images and Photos

Friday, March 18, 2011

Test 1

On 8 March 2011 we're having a test. We are tested on our knowledge about the recent studies of Contextual clues, prefixes & suffixes, the three types of sentences (simple,compound & complex). Good luck to us all!

*Just a little humor about exam =)

procrastination Pictures, Images and Photos

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Word Meaning

  The meaning for these words and the sentences using these words:

      1.      Accept: to take something that someone gifts you.
      2.      Except: to  not include someone or something
Example sentences:
      ·         I accept your apologies
      ·         You can go there, except you can’t go in the house

     3.      Affect: to change or influence something
     4.      Effect: to make something happen
Example sentences:
     ·         Rain affect the grass
     ·         Taking more quantity or that medicine as advice from your doctor      will effect your health.

     5.      Buy: to obtain in exchange for money or buy some sacrifice
     6.      By: near, beside
     7.      Bye: a hole or holes remaining unplayed when a golf match is ended.
     Example sentences:
     ·         I will buy that handbag on your next birthday…
     ·         Your father is there reading your papers by the lawn
     ·         He said good bye to you before he leaves.

     8.      Capital: principle, most important
     9.      Capitol: a building or complex or building in which a state legislature
     Example sentences:
     ·         Wealth available for or capable of use in the production of further wealth, as by industrial investment make capital.

     10.  Cite: to quote as an authority or example
     11.  Sight: the ability to see
     12.  Site: the place where the structure or group of structure was, is, or is to be located
     Example sentence:
     ·         he was cited for his outstanding achievements
     ·         He lost his sight since he was born
     ·         Your brother is having a meeting at the site is working on.

     13.  Principle: a basic true, law, or as some assumption
     14.  Principal: first, highest, formost in important rank, worth, or degree.
     Example sentence:
     ·         The principle of economy is the  basic knowledge of economy
     ·         He is the new principal in that school

     15.  Than: use to introduce the second element in a comparison.
     16.  Then: at or in the place
     Example sentence:
     ·         He is fatter than him
     ·         You must finish your homework, then you can go out and play

     17.  There: at or in the place
     18.  They’re: contraction of they are
     19.  Their: of or belonging to them
     Example sentence:
     ·         The cat is over there beside your car
     ·         They are working on a surprise party for their mother
     ·         This painting are their work

     20.  To: in the direction
     21.  Too: to a grater extends than is desired able
     22.  Two: one or more than one
     Example sentence:
     ·         The went to the campus by LRT
     ·         I would like it too
·         There are only two wing in a bird
     Continually: not entrusted, steady
     Continuously: continuous attach together in repeated units
     Example sentences:
     ·         The conversation were seven hours continuously
     ·          Serenest skies continually just that one bright island smile

Saturday, March 5, 2011

Environment Problem

 This week, we are given a task on discuss about the most problem on on earth. We choose about the environment pollution problem that is being ignore by certain people.

Hot Air Balloon Pictures, Images and Photos


  • combustion of fuels by automobiles and jet planes
  • burning of fossils fuels in big cities (factories and offices)
  • military activities (nuclear weapons)


  • using mass transit when possibly
  • walking & cycling (carpool)
  • replace incandescent light bulbs with compact fluorescent bulbs
  • plant trees and avoid purchasing products such as Styrofoam that contains CFS

water Pictures, Images and Photos

  • Chemical waste as industrial by products
  • logging,slash and burn practice
  • trash/garbage discarded by people
  • food processing waste (oxygen demanding substance,fats and grease)

  • dispose off other forms of waste by putting them in a trash bin rather than flushing them down the drain
  • use native plants instead of hybrid ones as those require a lot of pesticides
  • avoid damping any type of waste in storm drain.



  • Inc crease in agricultural land
  • Agricultural activities pesticides / domestic waste.
  • Industrial activities
  • Exterminates wild life
  • acid rains kills trees and other plants
  • vegetation that provides food & shelter is destroyed.
  • Proper garbage disposal
  • reduce use of herbicides and pesticides
  • encourage organic farming

The point is we as an individual have to be aware of all this and start making changes and remind people around is about this problem. For example, smoking may seem harmless, but, if that happens from a million person in the future years, the air will be polluted seriously. and a second example, littering a small candy wrap may seems innocent, but if a million person who does that , it will polluted the earth. So lets together make changes for a better future.

Monday, February 28, 2011


Write you answers in the space provided.
Q.Write the name of the dictionary.
A. Macmillian English Dictionary for advanced Learners ( New Edition )
Q. In What year was the dictionary published.
A. Second edition 2007
Q. What is the first word listed in the dictionary?
A. a.
Q. What is the last word listed in the dictionary?
A. zzz.
Q. How many pages does the dictionary?
A. 1748.
Q. How many pages of word starting with x are in the dictionary?
A. Half of pages
Q. Look up the word one. In additional to being a noun it is also an
A. Pronoun and a determiner.
Q. Look up the word narcissus. It is a type of
A. Flower that appears in spring.
Q. Look up the word fire. How many syllables does it have?
A. 1.
Q. Find the first noun in your dictionary that has four syllables.
A. Abatement.
Q. What is the first word in the r section of the dictionary?
A. R & B / Rabbi
Q. What is the last word in the u section of the dictionary?
A. Uzi / Uzbek
Q. How many pages of words starting with q are in the dictionary?
A. 8
Q. Look up the word azure. It is a shade of
A. Bright blue
Q. Look up the larynx. Where is the larynx located?
A. Throat
Q. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with m.
A. Macro
Q. Look up the word pocket. In addition to being a noun it is also an
A. an verb and a adjective
Q. Look up the word burro. It is a small
A. Donkey
Q. Look up the word calico. How many syllables does it have?
A. 3
Q. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with s that has three syllables.
A. Sabotage
Q. What is the first word in the b section of the dictionary?
A. b
Q. What is the last word in the a section of the dictionary?
A. azure
Q. How many pages of words starting with k are in the dictionary?
A. 15 pages
Q. Find the first verb in your dictionary starting with c that has two syllables.
A. Cabal
Q. Look up the word fuselage. It is a part of an
A. Aircraft
Q. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with g.
A. Gabled
Q. Look up the word duplicate. In addition to being an adjective it is also a
A. Verb and a noun.
Q. Look up the word cypress. It is a type of
A. A tall tree with dark green leaves that do not fall off in winter.
Q. Look up the word meridian. How many syllables does it have?
A. 3
Q. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with d that has two syllables.
A. Dabbles
Q. What is the first word starting with str in the dictionary?
A. Straddle
Q. What is the last word in the m section of the dictionary?
A. Myxomatosis
Q. How many word start with gy in the dictionary?
A. 18
Q. Find the first noun in your dictionary starting with r that has four syllables.
A. Race re’lation
Q. Look up the word quahog. It is a type of
A. Hard shell
Q. Find the first adjective in your dictionary starting with p.
A. Pacific
Q. Look up the word stock. In addition to being a noun it is also an
A. adjective and a verb
Q. Look up the word haddock. It is a type of
A. Large fish that live in the north Atlantic ocean
Q. Look up the word radioactivity. How many syllables does it have?
A. 6
Q. Find the first conjunction in your dictionary starting with i.
A. if